Sheelagh NewsLatest News On Sheelagh Mid-career sabbaticals can offset burnout and offer a new trajectory for life2024-10-03 6:27 AM The secret to leadership may lie in these six habits2024-09-09 5:16 AM Get more out of conversations by asking about what would otherwise be unsaid2024-09-05 5:18 AM Which of these 17 managerial mistakes are you making?2024-07-29 5:18 AM What to take out of your resume and what to put in2024-07-04 5:45 AM If you are drained or unwell after your vacation, welcome to leisure sickness2024-06-06 5:41 AM Five practical principles to make your team work better from the Getting Things Done man2024-05-27 5:14 AM You can’t think your way to a new career. You must act, but slowly2024-05-23 5:19 AM Counter the e-mail frenzy by building your slowness muscles2024-04-25 5:07 AM Here are eight ways to measure wealth - only one is money2024-04-18 5:29 AM