Star Trek icon William Shatner is lashing out at CTV\u0027s Sandie Rinaldo after she called him her \u0027most challenging\u0027 interview.
When she told him that their last sitdown didn’t go well, Shatner asked, “Was it cantankerous? Maybe you bring out cantankerousness. I have no recollection of it whatsoever.”“In true form Shatner was still irascible, difficult and yet this time also lovable and funny,” Rinaldo said, recounting their long-awaited catch-up. “The banter between us mostly bordered on the absurd. Did I learn anything new about him? Not really. Did I laugh a lot? I sure did.
But the edited interview — which runs roughly seven minutes — didn’t land so well with the 92-year-old when one fan tagged him on X and said, “I just watched your interview with Sandie Rinaldo. Very disappointed in you; that’s all I can say.”. “Her @CTVNews producer called begging for a 30 min interview. I relented and said OK when I usually only give national outlets 15-20 mins. She then took an hour asking ridiculous questions.
“He was on his f***ing phone in the middle of an interview,” the critic railed. “If that’s not rude I don’t know what is.” “I thought we were having small talk which is why I looked up the word,” Shatner hurled back. “It’s just unprofessional. Then again, the pre-roll with the questions she asked others, including Clint Eastwood — chiding and insinuating he was choosing to not a part of his son’s life? She seems proud of that question.”This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.For the record, we’ve interviewed Shatner many times over the years .