'If you don't mind tight spaces, and you're planning simply to sleep all flight, it could be an effective solution.'
Investigators found that two airline pilots on a flight from JFK to Rome were allegedly asleep while their plane was still in the air.
Now, he reckons the design could be implemented in a Boeing 747, Airbus A330 or any other medium to large wide-body airplane. "One of the phrases I get a lot, is 'If it's not broken, why change it?'" admits Núñez Vicente."So if passengers still fly in the worst economy class seats, why are we going to give them a better option? It makes money. That's the goal of the airline at the end of the day, not to make your flight better."
He's at AIX with his parents in tow -- they drove the Chaise Longue prototype in a van across Europe and helped him set up the seat in situ.