We’re entering Aries season — it’s time for new beginnings when it comes to love and money.
Happy solar return, Aries! Since you’re older, hopefully you are becoming wiser. Wisdom comes to those who are willing to use their experiences as a catalyst for growth and tap their knowledge to understand their actions better. If you use this time to reflect on the past, you can evolve into the person you want to be. Transforming your life will help you grow.The astrological new year offers you the chance to reconnect with your body by getting much needed rest and peace.
Always one to give your all to relationships, you’re switching the dynamic and asking to receive the equal amount of affection that you give to others. Don’t fret, Libra! Your partner/crush is more than willing to do the work and invest more energy into the relationship – give them the chance to do so without telling them. It’s time for them to do the work. They’ll surprise you with massive amounts of adoration and love.