Rebekah Vardy's barrister addresses court as he delivers closing arguments in wagathachristie case
Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy's lawyers have shared their closing statements at Royal Courts of Justice on Thursday 19 May.
Get exclusive celebrity stories and fabulous photoshoots straight to your inbox with OK!'s daily newsletter Coleen's barrister said there had been a "deliberate deletion and destruction" of evidence, the court had not heard from key witnesses, including Caroline or the journalists who published the alleged leaked stories, and he said Jamie, 35, had "remained silent... at least in this courtroom."
The laptop she used to perform the export had also broken and been disposed of. He said: "No proper explanation has been given for this deliberate destruction of relevant evidence. He added that the phone was lost at sea to "cover up" the messages between them, which would have been on both devices. Sherborne went through several pieces of evidence and statements throughout the trial, including staged paparazzi photographs outside a Russian restaurant in the 2018 World Cup – which Rebekah initially denied and then claimed she "couldn't remember the incident".
Rebekah's barrister Hugh Tomlinson addressed the court next, sharing his closing arguments before the looming verdict is to be made. Tomlinson said Coleen's legal team "studiously avoided" WhatsApp messages that suggested Rebekah was not the source of the leak of the fake stories. This included texts where Rebekah and Caroline speculated over who had actually leaked the stories.
Tomlinson said it was a "remarkable" suggestion for Rebekah to have deleted some messages over others. "Why would Mrs Vardy, if she was destroying evidence, do it in that selective and complex way?" he questioned.Supporting his argument, he referred to messages sent between Rebekah and her agent about a gender selection article.
Tomlinson went on to argue that Coleen's barrister had to prove the "specific charge" that Rebekah leaked the specific stories Wayne's wife used to call her out.