If you live in metro Denver, new COVID mask rules could affect you.
. Mineral County was already at medium, and according to stats updated today, May 24, both San Juan and Costilla could be there soon.
In addition, health-care facilities in Jefferson County must require patients, visitors and staff members to don face coverings, too — and any employee working in such settings who's not up to date with COVID-19 boosters and vaccinations"must wear medical-grade masks or respirators at all times.
The one-week cumulative incidence rate for Jefferson County on May 24 is 213.1 per 100,000 residents, putting it at Level Yellow on the COVID-19 dial. And it's not alone. Of Colorado's 64 counties, 25 are at Level Yellow or above, including Arapahoe , Larimer , Douglas , Broomfield and Denver . Boulder, Costilla and San Juan counties are at Level Orange owing to a one-week cumulative incidence rate of 312.8, 315.5 and 420.2, respectively.
That leaves nineteen counties at Level Orange: Adams, Bent, Chaffee, Clear Creek, Eagle, Elbert, El Paso, Fremont, Garfield, Gilpin, Lake, La Plata, Ouray, Pueblo, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, Summit and Weld. And eight others are at Level Red.