The Mascot 'La Bussi' Is Promoting Public Transportation, so Get Your Mind out of the Gutter
However, as someone who is bilingual in Spanish and lives in Spain, I can guarantee you that “Bussi,” the name of the city’s new bus mascot, isIn fact, Bussi’s name means something completely different. As Agustí Hurtado, director of the, an art and design school in Sabadell, told me in a phone interview on Friday, the mascot’s name is a combination of the words “bus,” which has the same meaning in Spanish and English, and the word “sí,” which means “yes” in Spanish.
When asked to speak about Bussi and the reactions to its name, the local city government told Gizmodo that it would not comment on the controversy.According to Hurtado, Bussi was the result of a contest cosponsored by the art school and the local bus company,, or TUS. The school has a long history of collaborating with the TUS, he explained, and in the past has created exterior and interior signage for the company’s buses, sleeves for storing bus cards, and promotional catalogues.
About 30 mascot proposals were submitted, which were judged by a jury. The jury selected a series of finalists, and of those, student Arianne Lara Carrillo’s design was chosen as the winner. She and the other finalists received a small monetary prize. Carrillo’s big prize was seeing her work adopted by a company and used in the city.