“The Conductor: A Living Newspaper” by Ishmael Reed recently opened at Theater for the New City (155 1st Avenue in Manhattan).
This drama talks about the targeting of minority groups in this country by white racists. While Blacks are always targeted, the racist white establishment will at times pick other groups and deem them a danger as well, after which those groups can quickly become victims of violence, have their businesses shut down, and be made to feel so endangered that they leave the country as quickly as they can. In this play, the folks targeted are people from India.
Warren winds up housing Indians as a link in an underground network to get them to Canada and ultimately to India. He takes in a young person named Shashi and they constantly butt heads about racist, historical, and political points regarding Blacks, Indians, and Asians in this country. This includes who are the public figures and school board figures that are going after the right things for minority children.
This play also goes deeply into the discriminatory caste culture in India. There are a great many eye-opening moments of facts shared that will cause you to ponder.