Dost thou haveth any plans this weekend? Perhaps some sword fighting, dancing and merriment are in order — all of which can be found in Paradise Park today and tomorrow.
will feature about 50 vendors, with 30 in a big tent and another 20 or so standalone tents. All the items sold will be handmade or homemade, he said, in keeping with the spirit of the festival. They asked the vendors to bring nothing that was mass-produced, he said, and only things that would have been available in the Renaissance period.
“We’ve got a person who makes their own butter. We have another company that makes their own soap. We got leather workers, we got a blacksmith, jewellery, clothing, and it’s all either handmade or homemade.” No Renaissance festival would be complete without a story though, and Hann said they have actors from local LARPer’s“We’ve got a person who makes their own butter. We have another company that makes their own soap. We got leather workers, we got a blacksmith, jewellery, clothing, and it’s all either handmade or homemade.”“On Saturday morning the queen will open the event and we’ve heard a rumour that the black knight might show up and try to steal the crown,” Hann said.
A costume contest will follow, he said, another staple of any Renaissance festival, and while they encourage everyone to show up in costume, it isn’t required. “If people want to dress up, that’s great,” he said. “It doesn’t have to even be Renaissance-era stuff, we expect we’re going to have lots of princesses there, we’re going to have people from"Harry Potter", we’re going to have people from"Lord of the Rings", we’re going to have fairies there, we might have an ogre, and someone asked if they could come as a mermaid. It all falls under fantasy and Renaissance.