Stuart A. Clason: 'When I tell people I am voting for Lee, they say they don’t like his political persona. I say he has a persona of steady, unchanging focus.'
Sen. Mike Lee participates in a debate at Utah Valley University, Oct. 17, 2022, ahead of the November midterm election.This year the voters of Utah will be making a choice about who they want to represent them in the U.S. Senate and, as a registered “unaffiliated” voter, I am glad that my vote will actually matter in an election cycle.
Growing up in a system like that makes it easy to devalue political parties because it allows voters to make individual choices. I have since observed people change their registration so “their vote can count.” I believe that approach lacks true principles. We witnessed that this election cycle when the mainstay figures of the Utah Democratic Party orchestrated a move not to field a candidate at all. Instead, they backed an individual with a questionable background, questionable approach and questionable motives.