StarTrekPicard stars Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd tell us there's no 'white picket fence' for Seven and Raffi in Season 2 (and explain why that's a good thing). StarTrek
✖ Star Trek: Picard introduced Michelle Hurd as Raffi Musiker, a former Starfleet officer instrumental in orchestrating the Romulan resettlement program alongside Jean-Luc Picard. The first season of the series also brought back Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine, the former Borg drone introduced in Star Trek: Voyager. As a member of the Fenris Rangers, Seven often butted heads with Picard, which made the finale's reveal of her new romance with Raffi all the more surprising.
She continues,"I was really happy that we weren't gonna do this sort of white picket fence, unicorns and rainbows kind of like 'La la la I brought you your coffee,' you know? I don't know if that's what these two would be like. Maybe in that little window, but can you imagine? They would get bored, and then that boredom might turn into regret or not looking at each other with kindness anymore. Raffi and Seven absolutely recognize that.
"There's a big time jump -- it's about a year-ish -- from season one, that you saw the very, very glimmer of the beginnings of this relationship, and then the audio book is the very early stages and takes it from that point," Ryan says.