🇱🇰 Sri Lankan Facebook users shared an image of a woman with her wrists bound, misleading others into thinking it showed an incident in the island nation in 2022 In fact, the photo was taken in India in 2019
Another commenter said:"Do Sri Lankans have no empathy? This woman clearly stole because of poverty. Punishment isn’t the answer to every social issue."a rise in crime across the country following the economic crisis.
But it has been shared in a misleading context -- the photo was published in news reports of a woman being beaten up in eastern India in 2019.Hindi-language news report published on Indian news website Jagran on July 15, 2019.Below is a screenshot comparison of the image from the misleading post and the photo published in Jagran news :
Screenshot comparison of the image from the misleading post and the photo published in Jagran news :The article reads in part:"In Tatijharia, Hazaribagh, a woman was tied up and beaten. However, the police acted swiftly on the request of the woman's son and arrested the two accused on the spot."