A grande victory for organized labor.
by workers in the past for paying too little, scheduling shifts in an erratic and disruptive way, and systemically understaffing its stores.)Last week, Schultz announced that he would be returning to his former role as CEO of the Seattle-based on company on an interim basis. According to the, one of his goals in doing so “is establishing a new tone with the roughly 230,000 workers staffing its U.S. cafes.
It appears the tone will need more time to be established, because the nine employees of the Seattle location that was holding its own union vote Monday just voted 9-0 to form one. From HuffPo’s Dave Jamieson, a leading labor reporter: There are now 7 unionized Starbucks stores, including one in Seattle. The union just ran the table, winning 9 'yes' votes to zero 'no' votes.— Dave Jamieson