After smartphones and smartwatches, it is time for 'smart dust.'
, and now they look forward to making Swiss roll microbatteries commercially available for use in real-world IoT applications.As substantial progress has been made to miniaturize intelligent microsystems to the sub-square-millimeter scale, there is a desperate need to move beyond existing microbattery technologies to offer adequate energy at the same footprint.
The zincophilic binder layer enhances zinc ion transportability and suppresses MnO2 dissolution. The MnO2 Swiss-roll microelectrode is used to create an on-chip microbattery with a small electrode footprint area of 0.75 mm2, which shows a footprint capacity up to 3.3 mAh cm–2. The microbattery demonstrates a reversible capacity of more than 1 mAh cm–2 for 150 cycles. The battery stability can be improved to over 600 cycles at a 50% depth of discharge.