.MaddowBlog: The Supreme Court said Boston's city hall couldn't reject a request to temporarily fly a Christian flag. The Satanic Temple would like a word.
It wasn’t the highest profile case of the term, but the U.S. Supreme Court recently issued a ruling in case calledThe case was relatively straightforward: Boston’s city hall generally flies national, state, and city flags on its public flag poles, though there are occasional exceptions. On Pride Day, for example, Boston will fly a rainbow flag. If foreign dignitaries visit Boston, the city’s flag poles will feature the flag of the foreign officials’ countries.
, “[T]he Supreme Court said the city could not censor a religious message in what amounted to a kind of public form. Allowing the Christian flag to fly would not be an unconstitutional government endorsement of religion because it would merely treat religious and non-religious views the same, the court said.”The Satanic Temple is requesting to fly a flag over Boston City Hall after the U.S.