.Prada’s sustainability credentials are increasingly trickling down to socially charged projects.
The project, together with Prada’s recently unveiled industrial complex in Levanella, Italy, was the topic of conversation for a talk held Friday night as part of Milan’s “Green Week” at the Triennale museum between architect Guido Canali, Prada’s go-to professional, and museum director Stefano Boeri.sustainabilityDuring the talk, Canali unveiled his most recent project for the brand’s logistics plant in Levanella, in the Tuscany region.
The most recent add-on to the plant was a 16,145-square-foot canteen under a 107-foot high arbor crossed by creeping plants. The Levanella site is not the only “factory-garden” for the Prada Group. Other units developed by Canali for the luxury brand following the same concept include those in Montevarchi and Valvigna, in the Tuscany region, and one in Montegranaro, in the Marche region.