NOAA director cautions Don Lemon against linking Hurricane Ian to climate change
The acting director of the National Hurricane Center cautioned CNN host Don Lemon against linking Hurricane Ian directly to climate change in a Tuesday night interview.ahead of its landfall in Florida, when the liberal host questioned how climate change is impacting the hurricane.
“Can you tell us what this is and what effect climate change has on this phenomena?” Lemon asked in regards to the storm’s “rapid intensification.”“We can come back and talk about climate change at a later time,” he said. “I want to focus on the here and now. We think the rapid intensification is probably almost done.
Acting Director of the National Hurricane Center Jamie Rhome cautioned against linking climate change to one singular event.Rhome then warned the news anchor against crediting climate change for any singular event — though he acknowledged the belief that climate change could be making storms stronger overall.
“I don’t think you can link climate change to any one event,” he replied. “On the whole, on the cumulative, climate change may be making storms worse. But to link it to any one event, I would caution against that.”