Restaurants, cafés, bars and other local businesses that offer indoor dining are legally required to obtain and maintain a business licence from the C...
Restaurants, cafés, bars and other local businesses that offer indoor dining are legally required to obtain and maintain a business licence from the City of Toronto. In the past week , nine new restaurant licences were issued for the central Toronto area, while 11 existing restaurant licences were cancelled.: a new restaurant licence registered to 1000081903 Ontario Ltd. was issued on March 19.
: an existing restaurant licence registered to Fernando Abreu and Luisa Matos was cancelled on March 17.: an existing restaurant licence registered to 1668052 Ontario Inc. was cancelled on March 17.: an existing restaurant licence registered to 2592955 Ontario Inc. was cancelled on March 19.: an existing restaurant licence registered to Muneer Ali Qaid Abdo was cancelled on March 16.: an existing restaurant licence registered to Hassan Sadeghi-Rahimabadi was cancelled on March 18.