Henry Holland is stepping back from House of Holland:
Author:Yusra SiddiquiUpdated:Feb 27, 2020Original:Feb 27, 2020These are the stories making headlines in fashion on Thursday.Peter Pilotto and Christopher De Vos announced Wednesday morning that they will be hitting pause on their label. The duo have been working together for 12 years on Peter Pilotto, and have decided that they want to take time to consider the future of the brand, including its business operations and structure before moving forward.
Vogue Business delves into the lessons that can be learned from that. {Vogue Business}In the face of current retail challenges, Henry Holland is the most recent designer to share he's headed in a different direction than his brand, House of Holland, announcing he'll be stepping back from it. Holland founded the company 14 years ago and was one of the first designers to tap into the strength of social media with his quirky designs, humor and connections with his consumers.