It never ends. 🤔 engineering
the surface of the meteoroid to lose mass through vaporization, a
Between around 15 to 20 km altitude, the meteoroid will decelerate to the point that ablation stops, and visible light is no longer generated, making the meteorite essentially invisible during the final portion of its fall, called “dark flight”. occur in the Earth's atmosphere each day.
enter Earth’s atmosphere annually. Many of these meteors produce sonic booms, and some"superbolides" can even give rise to large shockwaves that become hazards on the ground.
that could pose a risk to life on Earth. Fortunately, since the superbolide incident in Chelyabinsk, no dangerous object has shown up.When a comet passes close to the Sun, the heat causes part of it to vaporize and form a"tail" of dust and gas. Most comets travel in orbits that form highly elongated ellipses. As a result, some comets have orbits that intersect the earth's path.