According to a team of New York City inspectors, only 1.5% of streets across the five boroughs are “filthy.”
Make your contribution now and help Gothamist thrive in 2022.New Yorkers are complaining about sanitation more than at any time in recent memory. But according to a team of city inspectors, only 1.5% of streets across the five boroughs are “filthy.”
Another one of the city’s dirtiest districts, according to the City Hall program called “Scorecard,” is Morrisania in the Bronx. City observers rated 7% of streets there “filthy.” The audit found other problems with the program. Scorecard observers do “drive-by inspections” of blocks, DiNapoli wrote. David Schaeffer, the audit manager for the state’s comptroller’s office, pointed out that sidewalk litter complaints make up more than a third of 311 sanitation complaints, but they aren’t included in the sanitation department’s metrics.