Christopher Cantwell and Ario Anindito reveal new chapters in the space wizard's life this May.
Another newly revealed cover for Marvel's"Obi-Wan" #1."What I love about Obi-Wan is that he is so much a character of patience and fortitude," Cantwell told."He holds out hope and keeps that flame going even in the darkest times. He lost his Master, his best friend ... he's experienced a lot of grief. But he pushes forward. He waits on Tatooine for decades. He is the Buddhist concept of kshanti — patience — personified.
Cantwell considers Obi-Wan to be the classic sage when gauging the character’s enduring appeal over the past five decades. ."He is frustrating in his guidance at times, but his wisdom is hard-earned through emotional, personal experience. He's also just a veteran in the truest sense of the word. He lived through probably some of the most difficult times in the Republic and the Jedi Order, and almost narrowly died a few times in the process. He's seen some horrible things firsthand.
"But like I said, there is a virtue about him that allows him to continue to be a light in the darkness. He carries the flame of hope within him. Obi-Wan never gave up in all his years of living. He didn't even give up afterwards. Now that's dedication to the light side."