With the midterm election weeks away, a news conference was held to educate voters on the changes to mail-in votes so that rejections can be avoided.
As Election Day approaches, Harris County leaders discuss mail-in ballot concerns after missed ballots during the primary.As Election Day approaches, Harris County leaders talked about mail-in ballot concerns and what they're doing to fix their issues after ballots were missed during the primary.In 2022, Republicans passed an election integrity bill. They said it would be necessary to make elections more secure.
During the primary, many left it blank, or it didn't match their voter registration. This caused many ballots to be rejected. "This is unacceptable. It is un-American," Ellis said. "Every voter has a right to vote free from burden, harm or obstacle."The secretary of state's office said it's working to inform voters, especially seniors, about the changes. It even has aMAIL-IN BALLOT REJECTION RATES STARTED HIGH BUT DROPPED DURING RUNOFF RACES
To give you an idea, in Harris County, during the Democratic primary, 18% of mail-in ballots were rejected. During the runoff, it fell to 6%. In the Republican primary, 20% of mail-in ballots were rejected in Harris County. It dropped to 8% in the runoff."Because our residents have seen this process once, twice, three times.Now they feel a little bit more comfortable about what it is they're required to do," Tatum said.