The truth is out there! 25 years ago, the Phoenix Lights captured the imagination of UFO lovers and curious minds alike. The Papago Freeway Tunnel may not be otherworldly but its LED lights guide motorists everyday. Let's look into the light:
Lighting the way. ADOT converting I-10 Deck Park Tunnel’s lights to LEDIt’s definitely a case of “out with the old and in with the new” when it comes to the lighting system inside the Interstate 10 Deck Park Tunnel north of downtown Phoenix.
Following consideration of various project ideas over time, enough funding was identified for a $1.4 million project that is now underway. New LED lighting fixtures are being installed, over the course of the next few months, to replace the old fixtures that held the sodium lights. The project team anticipates needing several Friday night closures of I-10, in either direction, over the next few months in order to change out the more than 3,200 fixtures that help light the way when you’re traveling through the tunnel.