\u0027This kind of motion on time allocation will do real damage to this place, not just today, not just tomorrow. But in the coming years\u0027
The motion gives the heritage committee, which is currently amending the bill clause-by-clause, five more hours to complete its work before C-10 heads back for a vote in the House of Commons.
NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice said in the House of Commons his party agrees with the aim behind C-10, which the government says is to ensure web giants like Google pay into the Canadian content system. “This kind of motion on time allocation will do real damage to this place, not just today, not just tomorrow. But in the coming years, we’ll find this used more and more and more to whip committees into shape,” May said.
“Unfortunately, the systemic obstruction of the Conservative Party regarding Bill C-10 has prevented me from doing so. But I am still hoping to table this bill as soon as possible,” he said. That bill would require social media platforms to take down, within 24 hours, five categories of illegal posts: hate speech, terrorist content, posts that incite violence, child sexual exploitative content and intimate content that was shared without consent.