Renters have few options to guard against bad faith behaviour when landlords evict on the basis they will occupy a unit.
Renovictions – landlords evicting tenants under the guise of renovating their apartments – are a thing of the past in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland, says Robert Patterson, a lawyer specializing in tenancy law.
Landlords can’t evict for a renovation without meeting several criteria, including having all permits and approvals in hand, and even then, it’s not easy, he says. Now, Mr. Patterson wants that same approach used to tackle the landlord-use clause that landlords now overwhelmingly use to evict. Mr. Patterson says small purpose-built rental apartment buildings are most susceptible to eviction by landlord-use, particularly those around the Broadway corridor.
Mr. Zeller hopes that speaking out about their plight will help them find a good-Samaritan landlord with a place for rent. “I think it’s going to be very hard for the tenants to say anything the adjudicator did was unreasonable because. … I don’t know what it is statistically, but it feels like one in 100 decisions go the landlord’s way and 99 go the tenant’s way, just because of the politics of the whole situation. And of course, I get it: A landlord loses an investment; A tenant loses a home.Mr. Dougan may represent landlords as a large part of his practice, but he is also a renter, with five kids at home.
“These poor people,” he says of the couple. “I mean it’s such an awful, awful situation. You wouldn’t wish it on anybody.
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