Opinion: L.A.’s giant corn maze of rules against free speech
Welcome to another exciting episode of everyone’s favorite California government game show, “Why is This Even Legal?!”
If you’d like to oppose this tax with more than just a stern look, be prepared to hire a team of professional campaign law compliance experts. You’ll need a treasurer and a lawyer, and a staff of people who will file all the required documents and reports. The city of L.A requires a copy of the script, recording and/or image on the same day that the message goes out, filed electronically with the city’s Ethics Commission. This requirement applies to every city candidate or committee participating in politics.
In the city’s online database of enforcement actions, I found only three cases for “Failure to provide campaign communication,” now Municipal Code Section 49.7.32. In all three, the “violators” signed stipulated agreements waiving their “procedural rights” to challenge the action, the penalties or the law.