Now's the time to build up and maintain your immune system!
A daily cold shower may take some getting used to, but research suggests subjecting our bodies to some frigid H20 tends to jumpstart the immune system. Even better, you can start off with a warm shower, and gradually turn the temperature down as you finish up your daily cleanse. Research suggests you only have to spend as little as 30 seconds of your shower enduring cooler temperatures to potentially reap major immunity rewards.analyzed over 3,000 people.
It's important to mention that instances of reported sickness, in general, didn't actually fluctuate between the cold shower and control groups. So, while both groups still became sick at generally the same rates, those who took cold showers appeared to—which is conceivably why they avoided calling out of work or school. Developing less severe symptoms during a bout of illness or infection can be a sign of a strong, well-functioning immune system.
Interestingly, a full two-thirds of the cold shower cohort actually chose to keep up the habit after the experiment ended, suggesting a few seconds of cold water from the faucet isn't all that bad once one becomes acclimated. "This is the first high-level evidence showing that cold showers can benefit your health. People who took them for at least 30 seconds for one month called in sick 29% less than our control group—and 54% less if they also engaged in regular physical exercise," study co-author Dr. Geert A. Buijze told