On the season finale of The Kardashians, the fallout from Tristan's paternity scandal plays out in a big way.
, Khloe revealed that she'd tried to continue the relationship for the sake of her and Tristan's 4-year-old daughter, True. The paternity scandal was the last straw, though.
While Khloe assured her sister that she was"fine" in the wake of the scandal, it didn't make public commentary about her life and choices any less hurtful. In a confessional of her her own, Khloe said of her relationship with Tristan:"It’s time to walk away, and I don’t feel guilty about it. I tried so hard."
"It’s such a disappointment. There’s no blurred lines. Nothing’s gray," she added. "I’m grateful for the clarity. I feel vindicated in a way, because I kept saying, 'You guys, there’s something not right here,' and everyone kept saying, 'No, it’s 'cause you’re so damaged from before.'"