Mollie Jean De Dieu, General Manager of Longchamp SEA and mother of two, feels women should assert some bravery in the workforce. Learn about how she is championing an inclusive workforce. InternationalWomensDay
As the General Manager of Longchamp and juggling work as a mother of two, Mollie Jean De Dieu still has time to launch Emotional Inclusion — an NGO advocating for mental health in today’s workplace. While managing a luxury fashion brand with grit and guts, her humanistic side looks at how employees struggle with emotional wellness. She wants organisations to start grappling with the bigger picture and view mental health through a medical lens.
Observing that many women are still afraid to speak up in a male-dominated society, Jean De Dieu would like to see that change. She feels women should assert some bravery in the workforce. “There is also nothing more beautiful or powerful than women supporting other women—we all play a part in creating this sisterhood support network of women cheering-on other women,” she shares of what would be an ideal working environment.
Jean De Dieu’s best advice for the new generation of women entering the workforce: “Be who you are even if that means being different; your sensitivity is your biggest strength and ally. You can’t wait for life not to be hard anymore before you decide to be happy. What is delayed is not denied. Also, never let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. You are stronger and more capable than you think you are.
Her determination has led her to create these dedicated digital initiatives to tackle these facets. Part of her meaningful advocacy work includes conducting a series of interview podcasts with global business leaders, ‘movers and shakers’ to discuss emotional inclusion and mental health in the workforce.