After retiring her prized 27\u002Dyear\u002Dold horse, Hilary McNerney is ready for a new chapter of her career with her new horse, Astilbe
“Chuck 27 got hurt and is getting retired,” McNerney explained. “He’s carried me for the past six years, through my first three-stars, five-stars.
“It was crazy that those two were tied,” grinned McNerney, as she described her plan. “Honestly, it was just going as fast as I can. She is a very fast horse. If I just get her into somewhat the right place, we can go clear. When we first got her, the purpose of her was to be a speed horse, to teach me to go fast, and she definitely does that. There was the option in the first line to do the nine and she got down easy. Then clear the skinny and go.
McNerney went to high school in Chicago – Farrington is also originally from Chicago – and is a graduate of Duke University. Upon graduation seven years ago, she decided to give the sport a full-time try. Her association with Farrington, one of the world’s top riders, has been integral to her progression as a rider.