Check out these great deals from Tire Rack and get up to $200 back on any qualifying tire or wheel purchases while supplies last.
Had your eye on a set of Continentals? With a purchase of select sets of four Continental tires, you can get up to a $70 Prepaid Visa by mail, or increase your rebate by an additional $70 if you have a Continental Tire Credit Card to use on the deal. This one is good until June 30.Goodyear: Get up to $75 back from Goodyear or up to $200 when you use your Goodyear credit card
If you're all about the Goodyears, we've got you covered with a deal as well. With the purchase of four select Goodyear tires, you could be eligible to receive up to a $75 Goodyear Visa Prepaid Card or Virtual Card by online or mail-in rebate, but only until June 30th. You can increase your rebate by another $100 if you have a Goodyear Credit Card you'd like to use on the purchase or by $125 when you purchase Assurance ComfortDrive.