Opinion: I want to help these refugees and I know most Canadians want to as well
two million people, mostly women and children, have fled Ukraine since Feb. 24There are five factors that influence how Canada and Canadians should respond.
Second, Canada’s long tradition of aiding refugees, most recently Syrians in 2015 and Afghans in 2021, needs to be continued for those fleeing Ukraine. Canada hasThis advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.Third, Canada is home to over one million people who claim Ukrainian ancestry. Their concern for their relatives in Ukraine indicates a willingness to help in re-settlement.
Fifth, there is a legitimate concern that a Russian victory would result in a cultural genocide because Putin has said publicly that he does not recognize Ukrainian identity. Since Canada prides itself on its diversity and inclusivity, welcoming those whose identity is threatened would be a sign of its commitment to these principles. Considering the legacy of our treatment of Indigenous peoples, whose identities were threatened, Canadians need to be especially sensitive to this issue.
Most importantly, Canada needs a special program to open doors for these refugees. No doubt the shock and tragedy of fleeing Ukraine and leaving loved ones behind has most of these refugees hoping the war will end soon and that they can return. But we need to be ready if they cannot go back. This special program would put teams in all the receiving countries to assist with applications.