Four Texas schools make the top 25 in the college football preseason poll.
So the SEC still leads with the most programs in the Top 25, at six, but it's not as dominant an outlook as usual. Three of the schools are bunched up in the top seven, and the other three sneak in between 21st and 24th overall. It is worth noting that two of the Big XII entires — Texas and Oklahoma — are slated to move to the SEC in the next couple years.
We shall see!I alluded to this dynamic above when I mentioned Oklahoma and Texas going to the SEC, but it's fascinating to look at this Top 25 and see how many schools face uncertain conference futures. Unless you're in the SEC or Big Ten, you're doing one of the following — moving to a new conference in the next couple years, hoping you get courted by the SEC or Big Ten, sitting around waiting for your conference to implode, or smoking a cigar and enjoying independence .