Remembered for his passion, tenacity, love of community, by local leaders
The community of Fort Nelson has lost a long-time standing advocate, a voice – former mayor Bill Streeper passed away Saturday.
“After the collapse of our rec centre, Bill Streeper made sure that we had a beautiful rec centre here, that was the envy of communities all across the north.”“Well-known by the provincial government and a tireless worker for our region.” "I always looked forward to going to lunch with him, go over sit in his office, catch up when I was in Fort Nelson. When he was in Fort St. John, he'd always give a quick dingle," said Davies.“Bill was a fierce defender of his community,” added Fort St. John mayor Lori Ackerman.
Fraser also remembers his former colleague as having a great sense of humour and sharp wit, and a conversation the two had a couple of years ago at a grocery store while Fraser was in town for a visit.