The body was found by Ricardo Anthony Green, her son and his stepson, when he got home from work. The couple had been going through a divorce, court records show.
A Florida woman used a knife and a meat cleaver to kill her husband, stabbing him 140 times, police say.
Facing a charge of first-degree murder is his wife Joan Burke, 61, who appeared in court for the first time Sunday for the killing, which was discovered Feb. 11.Green called 911 and police arrived to find Weller, already dead, with more than 140 stab wounds, as well as a skull fracture from a meat cleaver, court records show. Burke had cuts on her hands, which police say in their report was likely caused by a knife slipping and cutting herself as she allegedly stabbed Weller.
Weller’s family told investigators that he had a physical disability, which made it difficult for him to walk and affected his grip strength, according to court records.