If your upcoming travel plans include outdoor adventure, make sure your family’s skills, gear and intel are up to speed. Here are five ideas to consider:
Your goal during a hiking, fishing or camping experience is to avoid getting up close and personal with a bear. So while making plans, inquire about recent bear activity at your intended destination. Research shows that bear spray is effective, so have yours at the ready and know how to use it. Travel in groups of three or more and sing, tell stories or take turns shouting “Hey, bear!” to let wild creatures know you are in the area.
Hike during daylight hours, stay on trails and avoid berry patches and animal carcasses. Look for signs of bear activity including scat, tracks or overturned rocks. When camping, keep your tent and spaces clean and free of odors. Don't sleep in clothes worn to cook. Be sure to hang food and trash away from sleeping areas or in bear-proof containers. When visiting National Parks, take note of the ranger’s reminders about maintaining a proper distance from wild animals.
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