The latest decision from the country's top court opened an old wound in Linda Babcock's heart. The Friday ruling that declared consecutive parole sentences unconstitutional brought back the sharp pain of her daughter's murder by a serial killer and his friend nearly 10 years ago - and left Babcock in tears.
The latest decision from the country's top court opened an old wound in Linda Babcock's heart.that declared consecutive parole sentences unconstitutional brought back the sharp pain of her daughter's murder by a serial killer and his friend nearly 10 years ago - and left Babcock in tears.
“And yet they give criminals some leniency, not wanting them to suffer too much. We suffer horribly every single day - I mean, it's been almost 10 years and I still cry every day.” Dellen Millard was found guilty of three counts of first-degree murder in three separate trials, each judge stacking 25 years of parole ineligibility on top of the others. Smich was found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to 50 years without chance of parole.