Every time Rupy Sidhu sees a letter from the Correctional Service of Canada in the mail, her stomach tightens.
She knows it will be news about one of the three men convicted of killing her mom, Baljit Kaur Kondolay, on April 19, 1998.“It takes me awhile to stop and think — do I open this or do I not? Do I want to feel the pain again? Do I want to relive that moment again?” Sidhu said Tuesday.
The 37-year-old mom of two girls had no idea that Ajit had never divorced his first wife. Nor did she know of his deep financial troubles. Even after her murder, he filed several lawsuits against her family in an attempt to keep her assets. “I could see something in the shadows at a distance. And I didn’t know that was my mom’s dead body,” Sidhu recalled.
The pain never goes away, Sidhu said, though today she’s happily married and living in Alberta with her husband and two sons.