Dahmer didn’t actually wear his glasses in court for one good reason.
at the Oxford apartments."In the first five minutes of the first episode, you have Glenda Cleveland knocking on his door. None of that ever happened", she told The Independent.In the series, we see a graphic scene of Dahmer taking three bags of blood home from the Milwaukee Blood Plasma Center he worked at and drinking the contents of one, but that didn't exactly happen.on the rooftop of the centre but immediately spat it out.
She was referencing the fact that DahmerJohn Balcerzak and Joseph Gabrish were two officers who had the chance to help 14-year old Konerak Sinthasomphone, one of Dahmer's victims. In the series, they are later awarded with"Officer of the Year" accolades, but this isn't actually what happened.Balcerzak and Gabris let Dahmer take Sinthasomphone back to his apartment after they were convinced he was Dahmer's 19-year-old lover.