Here are some things to know about the spring booster program in B.C., including who is eligible and current recommendations
The health ministry opened up eligibility for, or second booster, earlier this month to anyone 70 years or older, anyone in a long-term care home, and Indigenous people age 55 or older. Those who are considered clinically extremely vulnerable can also get a second booster. All those groups become eligible for one six months after their third shot.
The primary benefit of boosters is to minimize your risk of serious illness from a COVID-19 infection. Anshowed a fourth dose gave them only a small advantage as far as their likelihood of contracting the virus, but a much bigger degree of protection from severe symptoms. University of B.C. epidemiologist Sarah Otto puts it simply: “Would you rather have a sore arm, or COVID?”
Even after two years of this pandemic, we don’t have a good sense of what the long-term effects of COVID are. Otto says early studies show as much as a doubling of risk for heart attacks and strokes among those who have had COVID.