Snezhana Odnoralova is a Coloradan with Ukranian roots. She’s found a way to help her family overseas help other Ukrainians in need.
Many Ukrainian residents are trying to flee the country for safety. Odnoralova’s uncle has been successful driving families out of Ukraine in his own vehicle. He is a pastor working with a Ukrainian orphanage called “Good Shepherd.”
Her uncle, Paul Minayev, has a small sedan but was able to fit 11 women and children inside and drive them out of the country. Corresponding with her uncle has been difficult, but in the last message she received, Odnoralova says he got the children to Romania safely.Her uncle is heading back to Ukraine to make the same journey again for another group.
“Gas prices have gone up extremely. There are also situations where it’s hard to find gas. It’s even hard to find cars,” said Odnoralova. “If they need money when they’re at the border, he’s also providing them with some sort of money to help them continue their journey.”