A new site that published the loss amounts of Celsius clients isn't making the bankruptcy proceedings any easier.
that “Legal principles that are applicable in the United Kingdom are not binding on courts in the United States,” yet he noted that these “may be persuasive in addressing legal issues that may arise in this case.” While the treatment of the Celsius case will abide by U.S. bankruptcy laws, Glenn still aims to determine how the Celsius case should be handled.
“It is a strong way of avoiding any suggestion of impropriety by the courts and the persons and entities involved in the proceeding. As such, courts can make requests and impose orders on the bankrupt entity, including with respect to release of information which is available publicly.” The creators of Celsiusnetworth.com — who go by the name"Avnx" — told Cointelegraph that the website was built using the public data published as a result of Celsius' legal operations. The source further remarked that the data on the website shouldn’t be considered as a leak, although they noted that releasing this information may have consequences similar to the. “This data has been made public by Celsius. Whether we like it or not, it is a fact,” Aznx said.
In any case, the information revealed via the Celsiusnetworth.com website has resulted in unintended consequences for many Celsius users.