Budget includes several temporary relief measures and a flipping tax
The NDP provincial government is forecasting its 2024 budget to have a historic, record-breaking deficit of nearly $8-billion.
“We cannot have a deficit of services,” she said, noting that it took B.C. a long time to rebuild the services cut during 16 years of government under the BC Liberals.“We have to govern and we have a responsibility toward the people.” Families will also see receive a year-long-bonus of 25 per cent on top of their monthly family benefit bonus. A family of four would receive as much as $3,563, up from $2,850 without the bonus.
Individuals looking to start a family will also get one round of in-vitro fertilization funding from the provincial government. It will kick in on Jan. 1, 2025 with government tabling the necessary legislation this spring session. They include revenues from natural resources, rising to $3.1 billion in 2024 from $3 billion, a reflection of difficulties in the forestry sector. But the budget also responds to industry demands for investments in mining.