Brazil reverses its Telegram ban after just two days
for ignoring orders. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said the company missed the court's emails.
Durov added that Telegram will appoint a representative in Brazil and set up a framework so it can address requests more promptly. According to, Telegram complied with the court's demands by taking down classified information posted on President Jair Bolsonaro's channel and deleting the accounts of a Bolsonaro supporter who was allegedly spreading misinformation. The court then reversed the ban.
It will also monitor the 100 most popular channels in the country. Telegram says those account for 95 percent of views of public posts. The company has typically taken a hands-off approach to content moderation. The far-right Bolsonaro has used it as a means of communication with his 1.2 million followers after the likes of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube took a firmer stance against misinformation.