Channel 1 editor Marina Ovsyannikova was identified as the woman who crashed the network's broadcast on Monday and told viewers to 'stop the war.'
that Chikov’s “legal defense foundation is going to defend her against charges of ‘discrediting the Russian armed forces.’”Prior to her appearance on Channel 1, it appears that Ovsyannikova recorded a video where she lambasts Russian President Vladimir Putin for instigating the war with Ukraine and effectively denounces her work at the network.“What’s happening in Ukraine is a crime, and Russia is the aggressor. The responsibility for this aggression lies with one man: Vladimir Putin.
Unfortunately, for the last few years I’ve been working for Channel One. I’ve been doing Kremlin propaganda and I’m very ashamed of it – that I let people lie from TV screens and allowed the Russian people to be zombified. We didn’t say anything in 2014 when it only just began. We didn’t protest when the Kremlin poisoned Navalny. We just silently watched this inhuman regime. Now the whole world has turned away from us, and ten generations of our descendants won’t wash off this fratricidal war.