Looking for something to watch this weekend? Netflix’s Archive81 is based on a horror podcast that is a slow-burn kind of thriller. Don’t binge this one but savor its creepy pleasures, says phillipstribune.
To binge or not to binge: That is the question. Millions assume the answer is “binge!” and that’s that. If a series is any good, the only options are binge-watch or ignore altogether, since life is short and the queue is long. Right?
“Archive 81″ showrunner Rebecca Sonnenshine and company have cast their leads oh, so wisely. Mamoudou Athie iplays the taciturn New York City video archivist Dan Turner. Dina Shihabi is Melody Pendras, the haunted graduate student whose 1994-era videotapes comprise an unfinished oral history project on the history and denizens of an Manhattan apartment building known as the Visser, oozing secrets and spirits not of this world.
Hired by a mysterious business titan , Dan is charged with restoring and digitizing “a recently acquired collection of damaged videotapes.” He’s to complete this project in a remote Catskills compound with no Wi-Fi and weekly deliveries of groceries.
Mamoudou Athie stars as a video archivist pulled into the realm of the supernatural in Netflix's"Archive 81."