To accelerate development of effective T cell therapies for cancer, there's an urgent need to decipher the attributes of the ideal therapeutic T cell Read the Meeting Report from the Parker Institute & 10x Genomics SamanthaBucktr1 parkerici 10xGenomics
In the field of oncology, autologous T cell therapies have been developed and approved for B cell malignancies, with limited success in solid cancers. There has been a rapid expansion in the number of T cell therapies in clinical development for solid tumors worldwide, including autologous T cells expanded or engineered to express chimeric antigen receptors or recombinant T cell antigen receptors and, in the past decade, with edited genomes.
But developing effective T cell therapies for patients with solid tumors brings new challenges: arming cells for durability and efficacy, surmounting suppressive tumor microenvironments, and avoiding deleterious toxicity, off-tumor activation, target antigen heterogeneity and exhaustion.