The color, shape, and size of this versatile silk scarf all contribute to its greatness
Photo: Harling Ross Anton To stand in front of an entire closet full of clothing and feel like you have “nothing to wear” is a well-known cliché, but I didn’t understand the specific trigger behind it until I stopped checking a bag when I traveled a few years ago. What I assumed would be frustrating — the physical limitations of packing and living out of the smallest carry-on possible — was actually, in a strange way, surprisingly freeing.
Photo: Harling Ross Anton The color combination is important, too: a variation of cream that’s close to being yellow without being yellow, juxtaposed with reddish-orange. These precise shades are versatile but not boring — critical if you’re planning to wear something multiple days in a row. And then there’s the dimensions. Unlike most silk scarves, which are square, the large version of this scarf is rectangular, allowing for more flexibility in styling.
Photo: Harling Ross Anton It’s important to Picone that the final product resembles the original painting as closely as possible, which can be a challenge when digital printing on a flexible material like fabric. “I spend a lot of time working to color match through sampling and testing various fabrics to see how they react,” she shared. “The mill I work with in Italy has been around for decades and has some of the highest-quality silk and cotton fabrics that are ethically produced.