First Saturday Selma is an event uses art -- food -- and music to showcase downtown Selma -- along with the city's art district.
1st Saturday Selma is an event uses art — food — and music to showcase downtown Selma — along with the city’s art district.1st Saturday Selma — happens on the first Saturday of each month — during the spring — summer — and fall. And while each event features art — food — and music — each event is different.
“The artwork does change in the different studios, as well as they will be doing different demonstrations. We’ll have different demonstrations each month or something fun to do,” said Fran Pearce of ArtsRevive. 1st Saturday Selma — is a group effort — with downtown shops — restaurants — and art galleries — all pitching in — to put the event together.
“Tin Man will be open. As well as AC Reeves will have her place open. And we also have two or three other artist studios that are not open on a regular basis, but they open up for that Saturday to show their art,” said Pearce.